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Jul 20, 2022

After a couple of high energy pods, the ICB gang (minus feather) are back with a chill conversation about touching moss and coping with redactions. We've got esteemed guests Api and Nic from the Magic to talk about Washer Barajas, geysers, and National Parks!

in this episode: baby magic, national vs state parks, washer baraja blast, the new jersey magic, redaction frustrations, juno the cat, the nicest team in blaseball, bevan's drip, charmed and charmed derivatives, secret gary lore, magic's crime pickle 

~shoutout zone~ 

The Petrified Forest 

Orient Beach State Park 

The Actual Differences Between National Parks, Monuments, and Recreation Areas 

Lime Jarritos 

Fat Bear Week 

Fat Bear Junior 

Bear Force One (bear)

BearForce1 (band)

Birb's Magic Tarot Deck 

Yellowstone's Geysers 

Charmed (TV Series) 

The National Park Service Standardized Irregularity Reports 

Valley Uprising 


Our theme music comes from the wonderful Hokuto.

Want to shout about the episode? Join us at the Taco Stand Discord - it's open to everyone, not just Tacos! Each episode is discussed in the #podco-truck channel.

Our twitter is @CitiesPod, and if you want to link to us, you can catch us at!

We are featherwings#3879, WillofChris#6129, KarpskryparN#2963, and Gary#7675, and we are Infinite Cities Blaseball. 🌶️